Dipartimento di Scienze agroalimentari, ambientali e animali
Via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine
This RU is majorly involved in WP3-4, and less in WP1. The specific nano-skills of this RU are the result of researcher experts' contributions in plant physiology and agroecology. The RU UniUD will be in charge of studying the fate of nHAP in soil profile and the release of N and P. Moreover, the contribution of RU UniUD will consist of studies on the physiological response of maize plants to fertilization with nHAP-U compared to the conventional N fertilization strategy. In addition, RU UniUD will carry investigations on plant physiology parameters, photosynthetic efficiency, and growth and elemental analyses on plant fractions at the RU UniUD facilities.

Principal investigator PRIN2022 Cleopatra
Associate Professor [ssd AGR/02]
PhD in Crop Productivity (partnership UniUD- UniBO). He is a committee member for the Ph.D. program in Environmental Life Sciences (partnership UniTS-UniUD).
His research interests are agroecology, agriculture sustainability, phytotechnologies, nano-enabled agriculture, and nanofertilizers in field crops.

Guido Fellet
Associate Professor [ssd AGR/02]
He is a committee member for the PhD program in Environmental Life Sciences (partnership UniTS-UniUD). He teaches Agronomy to B.S. students in Viticulture and Oenology and Phytotechnologies to M.S. students in Environmental Analysis and Management. His current research interests and activities focus on applying nanotechnologies in agriculture and sustainable agriculture.

Laura Pilotto
Dottoranda di Ricerca (Dottorato in Ambiente e Vita, XXXVIII° ciclo UniTS-UniUD)
Laura Pilotto is a PhD student in Environmental Life Sciences at the University of Trieste and the University of Udine. She earned a master’s in Environmental Sciences and Technologies at the University of Udine. Her field of research is focused on applying nanomaterials in agriculture to enhance Nutrient Use Efficiency.