WP 2 – Role of P-solubilizing bacteria and N/P acquisition/allocation dynamics in plants fertilized with N-nanohybrids (UniBZ)
Using nanohybrid as a fertilizer possibly implies the adaptation of soil microbial communities. Task 2.0 will allow the conditioning of soil collected at the University of Udine's Experimental Farm with nanohybrids to develop a suitable microbial community.
Tasks 2.1 and 2.2 are devoted to the isolation of PSB from incubated soils and the characterization of P solubilizing activities and other plant growth-promoting traits through in vitro assay.
Biochemical/physiological and molecular techniques will also be applied for the investigation of the nutrient's uptake dynamics (Task 2.3), the transcriptional regulation of those genes involved in the processes (Task 2.4), and the allocation of minerals in maize tissues (Task 2.5), to gain a deeper understanding on the mechanisms activated in plants by the nanohybrids. Additionally, the biological response of roots to the nanohybrids will be investigated by characterizing both the qualitative and quantitative profiles of exudates (Task 2.6) to understand the influence of the different organic molecules released by plants on the stability/solubilization dynamics of nHAP.
Task 2.0: Soil incubation experiment [UniBZ, CNR Nanotec, UniUD].
Task 2.1: Isolation and characterization of PSB from agricultural soil [UniBZ].
Task 2.2: Quantifying P solubilization by PSB from nHAP [UniBZ].
Task 2.3: Plant uptake dynamics of targeted nutrients [UniBZ].
Task 2.4: Molecular analyses of critical genes involved in the uptake of target nutrients [UniBZ].
Task 2.5: Mineral nutrient allocation in maize tissues [UniBZ].
Task 2.6: Root exudation dynamics and biogeochemistry [UniBZ].