[Translate to English:] WP 3 – Efficiency of N-nanohybrids vs conventional N fertilizer (UniUD)
[Translate to English:]
The introduction of nanohybrids used as innovative fertilizers implies revising conventional agronomic practices. The activities included in WP3 concern observations carried out on Zea mays during the entire crop cycle. Task 3.2 assesses the soil fertility parameters and the taxonomic composition of the microbial communities as affected by nanohybrid incubation concerning both conventional fertilizers and untreated soil samples. Tasks 3.3-4 are designed to compare the effectiveness of nHAP-U on N and P fertilization on a model crop. Finally, task 3.5 will verify whether the different fertilisation strategies influence the main nutritional parameters.
Task 3.0: Maize seeds coating with PSB [UniBZ]
Task 3.1: Maize growth trials: experimental setup [UniUD].
Task 3.2: Evaluation of soil fertility parameters and metataxonomic analysis of soil microbial community after nHAP/nHAP-U fertilization trials [UniBZ, UniUD].
Task 3.3: Conventional fertilizers vs nHAP-U: plant physiology parameters [UniUD].
Task 3.4: Conventional fertilizer vs. nHAP-U: plant growth and yield [UniUD].
Task 3.5: Conventional fertilizer vs. nHAP-U: crop yield nutritional profile [UniUD].