WP 4 - Dissemination
[Dissemination of the results will be performed through scientific conferences and publications. At least one paper for each WP will be published in high-impact factor journals.
Food safety and, in general, the public perception/opinion of nanomaterials in agriculture and food require close attention towards correctly disseminating knowledge to the general public and stakeholders.

Some researchers involved in CLEOPATRA have already gained experience in disseminating nano topics.
In particular, the PI is a member of the Steering Committee of NanoInnovation (Rome, 2017-2022). These conferences will constitute an opportunity for the dissemination of the CLEOPATRA results. Furthermore, CNR NANOTEC is an institute active in dissemination activities. It participated in several dissemination events within the ERN-Apulia frame, an EU project aimed explicitly at dissemination.