CLEOPATRA aims to develop new cutting-edge knowledge on nano-enabled agriculture, particularly nano-fertilization and the enhancement of NUE throughout the application of nanofertilizers in agricultural systems.
The studies conducted so far on using nanohydroxyapatite have been conducted using synthetic apatite. CLEOPATRA includes activities at different scale levels, i.e., the preparation of nHAP from biowastes, its functionalization with urea, P-solubilization provided by phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), application of nanohybrid to a crop model (Zea mays) in both controlled and field conditions, to evaluate, on the one hand, the nutrition physiology and, on the other hand, the quantitative-qualitative crop yield parameters.
As a generally expected result, CLEOPATRA will provide a comprehensive knowledge of using biogenic nHAP as a nano fertilizer, both as a P source and/or as an N carrier. Along this line, more focused results are the following:

Design and synthesis of efficient natural-based HAP nanofertilizers.
Soil microbial contribution to P solubilization from biogenic nHAP.
Evaluation of P and N release dynamics from biogenic nHAP.
Model crop (Zea mays) response assessment to biogenic nHAP.
Crop yield parameters and grain quality in plants treated with biogenic nHAP.
Evaluation of NUE of biogenic nHAP.